You probably haven't heard this before. I would not be surprised because the vast majority of social media marketing books out there try to trick you into thinking that you just need to harvest all this traffic from social media so people can click like monkeys on the ads on your website.
that worked when Facebook 1st launched nationally. It definitely doesn't work
today. Sadly, this is where too many marketers fail. They screw this up.
that you know the secret, here's some bad news. This is precisely the point
where too many marketers screw up. When they're sending social media content,
they promote their squeeze page directly. Although the squeeze page gives away
freebies and incentivizes people to sign up, this is too much too soon.
not surprisingly, a lot of these marketers burn through a lot of exposure just
to get people to their list. Worse yet, when these people join their mailing
list, they're completely unprepared. They don't know what to expect, they're
not properly conditioned, a lot of them are not even fully qualified to become
list members.
So what do they do? They end up doing a whole lot of nothing. This is actually the worst kind of list member.
much better to just have a very tiny list because if you have a huge list and
almost everybody doesn't do anything to put money in your pockets, you're going
to be paying for those list squatters month after month.
you might attract list bouncers. These are people who join your list just to
get whatever premium you're offering, download it, and then promptly
unsubscribe. They have effectively bounced from your list.
email list is going to be the platform you will use to convert the relationships made
possible through all that social media traffic.
media marketing.
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